A geographic quiz

[Written for “Says You,” 2011]

In this goegraphical quiz, every answer is a portmanteau, which is a combination of two words, like spork (spoon and fork), or smog (smoke and fog). These portmanteaus (portsmeanteu?) are all formed by blending together state names… For example, if there were a town on the border of Washington and Oregon, it might be called Washegon or Orington. Got it? (For all of these, it helps to draw a little map as you go.) 

[Answers are pasted at the bottom.]

So here’s an easier one:

1) Florida only borders two other states, and on one of these borders, there’s a town named for both states. What is it?

A clue: it’s on the border with Alabama…

2) Indiana borders four other states, and on two borders there are towns named for the intersecting states. Any guesses?

A clue: it’s not with Ohio or Kentucky

3) Idaho’s got a couple, too. Guesses?

4) Colorado also has a couple. Ideas?

OK, those were the easy ones… now these get trickier. 

5) Two different towns in the country are triple-portmanteaus, named for the three states they border… Guesses?

Here’s a hint: one’s in western West Virginia, and the other is in southern Nevada.

6) Only one state, which borders four other states, has a portmanteau town on every border. What state is it, and what are the towns?

Here’ a clue: it’s a big state. 

7) The border between two eastern states boasts more distinct portmanteaus than any other, by a factor of three. What border is this, and what are the towns?

Hint: one of them is a tiny state.

8) Two different portmaneau towns, one in the south and one in the north, begin with the letter V. Where are they, and what are they?

9) Finally, an international portmanteau. On opposite sides of this sunny border, two towns with different portmanteau names abut each other dyslexically. You can tell what country you’re in by the first half of the town name. What border is this, and what are the towns?

10) Bonus: can you name any of the few remaining portmanteau towns in the US?

*scroll down for answers…

1: (Florala, AL)

2: (Illiana, IL & Michiana, MI)

3: (Idavada, ID & Monida, MT)

4: (Ucolo, UT & Kanorado, KS)

5: (Kenova, WV & Cal-Nev-Ari, NV)

6: (Texas: Texico & Texahoma & Texarkana & Latex)

7: (Delaware and Maryland: Delmar, Marydel, and Mardela Springs)

8: (Virgilina, VA & Vershire, VT)

9: (Califonia and Mexico: Mexicali, MX & Calexico, CA)

10: (Tennga, GA & Pen Mar, MD & Penndel, PA & Arkoma, & Texola)